JSP, JSP, JSP, JSP dan Servlet...........

JSP dan Servlet yang aku tau seperti ini.....
aku awali sesukaku....

Bab 1
JSP Java server pages

Toping dasar yang perlu diketahui
  • Kelebihan / Tujuan jsp (harap cari tutorial sendiri ok...)
  • Bagaiman JSP itu di Invoke
  • Menggunakan Ekspresi JSP untuk memasukan hasil dinamis langsung ke halaman output
  • Menggunakan Scriplet JSP untuk memasukan kode Java kedalam Method untuk menangani request ke halaman page
  • Menggunakan Deklarasi JSP
  • Variabel standar yang dapat digunakan dalam Ekspresi dan Scriplet

Selengkapnya mari kita bahas.........


JSP adalah
Java Server Pages (JSP) merupakan sebuah tenologi servlet-based yang digunakan pada web tier untuk menghadirkan dynamic dan static content. JSP merupakan text-based dan kebanyakan berisi template text  HTML yang digabungkan dengan spesifik tags dynamic content.

contoh :

 scripnya ini

ini hasilnya

 Dari contoh diatas, kita dapat melihat bahwa file JSP merupakan sebagian besar dari HTML. Hanya pada bagian ini yang beda :

Spesifikasi dari file JSP ini kemudian dapat  dijalankan dari IDE Neatbeans secara langsung dengan  menekan SHIFT + F6. Alternatif lain, project  web dapat dijalankan  sebagai file WAR dan  diupload kedalam server. Kemudian JSP dapat diakses dengan mengetikan URL berikut ini:

berhenti dulu ah......
contoh scripsi

contoh scripsi

A.Latar Belakang

Perkembangan komoditas buah-buahan di Indonesia berjalan cukup pesat, ditambah dengan introduksi buah-buahan subtropik dari luar negeri yang ternyata dapat tumbuh dan berproduksi dengan baik dalam kondisi iklim seperti di Indonesia. Salah satu buah subtropik yang telah lama dibudidayakan di Indonesia adalah stroberi. Stroberi merupakan salah satu komoditas yang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi dan pangsa pasar yang baik, dengan jumlah produksi untuk tingkat dunia sebesar 3.198.689 ton setiap tahunnya (Hui, 2006). Warna stroberi yang merah menyala, segar, aromanya yang khas, dan harganya yang relatif mahal membuat stroberi menjadi buah elit yang cukup digemari. Masalah utama stroberi adalah sifatnya yang mudah rusak oleh pengaruh mekanis dan memiliki umur simpan yang singkat. Stroberi memiliki kadar air yang tinggi sehingga mudah busuk akibat aktivitas enzim atau mikroorganisme.
 Menurut Winarno dan Wirakartakusumah (1981), usaha yang dilakukan untuk mencegah kerusakan pasca panen sekaligus mempertahankan umur simpan akibat laju respirasi dan transpirasi antara lain dengan penggunaan suhu rendah (pendinginan), modifikasi atmosfer ruang simpan, pemberian bahan kimia secara eksogen, pelapisan lilin, dan edible coating. Pelapisan lilin merupakan teknik penundaan kematangan yang sudah dikenal sejak abad XII. Lilin yang digunakan dapat berasal dari berbagai sumber seperti dari tanaman, hewan, mineral, maupun lilin sintetis. 

Proses pelapisan lilin sering dikombinasikan dengan fungisida untuk mengendalikan pembusukan pada buah selama penyimpanan. Fungisida dapat diberikan dengan cara mencelup buah sebelum diberi lapisan lilin. Menurut Eckert (1996) penggunaan benlate dengan konsentrasi rendah tidak mempengaruhi rasa dan sekaligus dapat berfungsi sebagai bahan anti bopeng sehingga penampakan buah lebih baik. Penelitian ini tidak digunakan fungisida karena stroberi merupakan buah yang dapat dimakan langsung semua bagian buahnya sehingga tidak perlu ditambahkan fungisida.
Buah stroberi merupakan buah yang rentan dengan penurunan kualitas, untuk itu harus benar-benar memperhatikan berbagai aspek dalam penanganan stroberi. Salah satu cara untuk memperpanjang masa simpan dan mempertahankan kesegaran buah stroberi adalah dengan pelapisan lilin pada permukaan buah. Pelapisan lilin pada buah stroberi bertujuan untuk mencegah terjadinya penguapan air sehingga dapat memperlambat kelayuan, menghambat laju respirasi, dan mengkilapkan kulit buah sehingga menambah daya tarik bagi konsumen. Pelapisan lilin dengan kepekatan dan ketebalan yang sesuai dapat menghindarkan keadaan aerobik pada buah dan memberikan perlindungan yang diperlukan terhadap luka/goresan pasda permukaan buah (Pantastico, 1986).
Jenis lapisan lilin yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lilin lebah. Lilin lebah pada umumnya digunakan sebagai bahan kosmetik, bahan pembuat lilin bakar, dan industri pemeliharaan. Selain itu lilin lebah juga banyak digunakan untuk
pelilinan komoditas hortikultura karena mudah diperoleh dan murah. Lilin ini berwarna kuning terang sampai coklat kehijauan.
Hasil penelitian Dominica (1998) diketahui bahwa kombinasi perlakuan suhu dingin (15-18oC) dapat memperpanjang umur simpan buah papaya selama 7 hari. Pada jeruk pacitan, kesegaran buah dapat dipertahankan dengan pemberian lapisan lilin 6% setelah disimpan pada suhu rendah (Nainggolan, 1992).

B. Perumusan Masalah
1. Berapa konsentrasi lilin yang paling baik untuk memperpanjang umur simpan buah stroberi dengan pengemas styrofoam tray dan stretch film.
2. Bagaimana perubahan mutu buah stroberi yang tidak dilapisi lilin dan yang dilapisi lilin pada penyimpanan suhu dingin dan suhu ruang dengan kemasan styrofoam tray dan stretch film yang mampu diterima berdasarkan beberapa parameter mutu serta penerimaan konsumen setelah produk disimpan.

C. Tujuan
Tujuan yang dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah:
1. Mengetahui konsentrasi lilin yang paling baik untuk memperpanjang umur simpan buah stroberi dengan pengemas styrofoam tray dan stretch film.
2. Mengetahui perubahan mutu setelah penyimpanan yang meliputi kadar air, kandungan vitamin C, warna, tekstur dan tingkat kesukaan pada pelapisan lilin
buah stroberi yang di simpan dalam suhu dingin dan suhu ruang dengan pengemas styrofoam tray dan stretch film.

D. Manfaat
Manfaat yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah:
1. Memberikan alternatif cara penanganan pasca panen stroberi dalam memperpanjang umur simpan yaitu dengan teknik pelilinan.
2. Memberikan informasi mengenai konsentrasi lilin yang paling baik untuk memperpanjang umur simpan buah stroberi yang disimpan dalam suhu ruang dan suhu dingin dengan menggunakan kemasan styrofoam tray dan stretch film.
3. Memberikan informasi mengenai perubahan mutu yang terjadi dengan atau tanpa pelilinan selama penyimpanan suhu dingin dan suhu ruang.


A. Stroberi
Stroberi merupakan buah yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi tinggi. Daya tarik buah ini terletak pada warnanya yang merah mencolok dengan bentuk yang mungil, menarik, dan rasanya yang manis segar. Negara penghasil utama stroberi di dunia adalah Amerika Serikat dengan produksi sekitar 224.000 ton per tahun (Gunawan, 1995). Dibandingkan dengan luar negeri, usaha stroberi di Indonesia masih tergolong pada skala kecil.
Tanaman stroberi dapat tumbuh dengan baik di daerah dengan curah hujan 600-700 mm/tahun. Lamanya penyinaran cahaya matahari yang dibutuhkan dalam pertumbuhan adalah 8–10 jam setiap harinya. Stroberi adalah tanaman subtropis yang dapat beradaptasi dengan baik di dataran tinggi tropis yang memiliki temperatur 17–20 oC. Kelembaban udara yang baik untuk pertumbuhan tanaman stroberi antara 80-90%. Ada beberapa varietas stroberi yang ditanam di Desa Serang, diantaranya Oso Grande, Sweet Charlie, dan Santung (Belanda). Namun yang paling banyak dibudidayakan adalah varietas Oso Grande karena lebih tahan lama sehingga lebih menguntungkan bagi petani. Varietas Sweet Charlie buahnya besar-besar namun tidak tahan lama, sehingga kurang awet apabila dikirim ke daerah di luar Purbalingga.
Bagian yang dikonsumsi dari stroberi mencapai 96% sedangkan kandungan nutrisi per 100 gram buah dapat dilihat pada Tabel 1.
Hosting Gratis JSP

Hosting Gratis JSP

Hi arisusanto
Your Free Trial Account is activated.
Start using your account by http://s156.eatj.com for logging in.
For first time user, please check http://s156.eatj.com/index.jsp?url=getting_started.html for Getting Started
Please check http://s156.eatj.com/index.jsp?url=faq.html for FAQ.

For settings,
1. Login to your eatj.com account.
2. Click Help on menu.
3. Click Settings.

eatj.com support

1. Register an account at Click here.

2. You need to select your user name and specify your email (preferably a gmail or a yahoo mail address). The user name is also your application ID (appID) and your MySQL database name. Login to your eatj.com account and restart your server. You will see your sub-domain. For example, if your user name is john: your appID is john, your MySQL database name is john and your subdomain is john.s43.eatj.com or john.s41.eatj.com.

3. You will recieve a confirmation e-mail. Once you click the link in your email, your account will be created. If you didn't recieve the e-mail, please e-mail us support(AT)eatj.com.

4. Login to your account. Click Start to start your Tomcat server.

5. You will see your URL on top such as http://john.s155.eatj.com. Click it. You will see your Tomcat home page.

6. Download the sample war file, ROOT.war.

7. From 'My Account,' upload the WAR file (ROOT.war) you just downloaded. Make sure it has ".war" file extension. If it has ".war.zip", remove ".zip".

8. Wait till the upload finishes, and then restart your server. You will see your URL on top. Click it. You will see the sample home page.

9. To make your first JSP page work, you download sample.zip.

10. Unzip the sample file to a temporary location, like "C:\temp\mysample"

11. In "C:\temp\mysample", rename "hello.jsp.bak" to "hello.jsp".

12. If you did not install J2SE, download it from http://java.sun.com/j2se/index.jsp (you must use J2SE 5.0).

13. In the DOS command line prompt, type "cd C:\temp\mysample".

14. In the DOS command line prompt, and while in "C:\temp\mysample", type "jar cvf ROOT.war ."(Notice a dot ".") to create a ROOT.war file.

15. Upload the ROOT.war file (ROOT.war is case-sensitive; it must be upper-case).

16. Restart your server. You will see your url on top. Click it and add /hello.jsp at end. You will see your hello.jsp.

1. Why is my JVM down?
For BASIC or ADVANCED account, you can set up your server under 24x7 monitoring. If your server is under monitoring, your server will be never down. For Free Accounts, in order to save resources, we shut down your Tomcat JVM at 4:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 4:00 PM and 10:00 PM (PST). If you are subscribed to a Free Account and testing your application, you can restart your account whenever it has stopped.

2. How could I access my MySQL database?
You can click on MySQL Admin menu and put username/password which is same as your account username/password. JDBC url for MySQL 4.1 is "jdbc:mysql://localhost/?autoReconnect=true". JDBC url for MySQL 5.0 is "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3307/?autoReconnect=true".

3. Where can I find samples source code for connecting to a database?
You can download sample.zip (check DBConnector.java and DBUtil.java).

4. How can I upload my webpage files?
Pack your application as a WAR file, and upload it from 'My Account' after logging in. Or you can use FTP to upload files. For ADVANCED accounts, in addition to using our website to upload the WAR file, you also can use scp or sFTP.

5. Can I change the port number?
No. If you change any port number, your application will not work.

6. What is my Tomcat administrator username and password?
Your Tomcat username/password is admin/.

7. Can I access my Linux account?
Yes. You can access your account using ssh (Only for Advanced accounts). Your password is same as your account password.

8. On my home page, it only displays Tomcat page. How can I change to my page.
Rename your war file to ROOT.war and upload the ROOT.war (Must be upper-case ROOT.war)

9. What is your name servers (DNS)?
Our name servers are ns41.atos-renovation.com and ns42.atos-renovation.com.

10. How could I manage my e-mail accounts?
E-Mail Administration is only for BASIC or ADVANCED accounts. First, you must have your own domain name. Second, login your eatj.com account and put your domain name at bottom. Click 'Mail Admin' to log in. Username is postmaster. Password is same as your eatj.com account password. After login, you can create mail accounts (For example, sales@yourdomain.com, customer_service@yourdomain.com...)

11. How to cancel my account?
Login to your PayPal account and cancel your subscription from there. For these using credit card, open a ticket https://support.2co.com/deskpro/newticket.php

12. How to connect to POP3 server?
For BASIC or ADVANCED account, You can use our POP3 server to receive mails. POP3 server name: s44.eatj.com. Username: @(For example, support@mydomain.com)

13. How to connect to FTP server?
For host name, login to your account and you will see. Username/password are same as your eatj.com account. If you have firewall, please use passive mode. Once you login to your ftp account. You are in your $TOMCAT_HOME directory. You can change any settings you want except heap size.

14. How to send mails using eatj SMTP?
This feature is not for Free Trial account. Limit is 500 mails a day. SMTP server is s155.eatj.com. Username/password are same as your eatj.com account username/password.

15. How to use php in eatj.com?
Login to your eatj.com account. Click your php link. You will see HOW TO.
Free Hosting Tomcat

Free Hosting Tomcat


Hosting JSP benar-benar gratis
kimyong --

Selama ini, susah benar cari Tomcat Hosting yg gratis,
1. http://s43.eatj.com/index.jsp

2. http://www.myjavaserver.com/ (dulu namanya mycgiserver)

yg kedua saat registrasinya yg membingungkan (karena memakai bahasa inggris), tapi kalau bisa inggris sih ga gitu susah.

Selamat mencoba.

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Sekilas Servlet

Sekilas Servlet

The Servlet Technology
• The Benefits of Servlets
• Servlet Application Architecture
• How a Servlet Works
• The Tomcat Servlet Container
• Six Steps to Running Your First Servlet
• Summary
The servlet technology is the foundation of web application development using the Java programming language. It is one of the most important Java technologies, and it is the underlying technology for another popular Java technology for web application development: JavaServer Pages (JSP). Therefore, understanding the servlet technology and its architecture is important if you want to be a servlet developer. Even if you plan to develop your Java web application using JSP pages alone, understanding the servlet technology helps you build a more efficient and effective JSP application.
The aim of this chapter is to introduce the servlet technology and make you comfortable with it by presenting step-by-step instructions that enable you to build and run a servlet application.
In particular, this chapter discusses the following topics:
• The benefits of servlets
• Servlet application architecture
• How a servlet works
• How to write and run your first servlet application
Throughout this book, Tomcat 4.0 is used as both the servlet container and JSP container. In this chapter, you learn how to configure Tomcat quickly so that you can run your first servlet application.

Chapter 1. The Servlet Technology
• The Benefits of Servlets
• Servlet Application Architecture
• How a Servlet Works
• The Tomcat Servlet Container
• Six Steps to Running Your First Servlet
• Summary
The servlet technology is the foundation of web application development using the Java programming language. It is one of the most important Java technologies, and it is the underlying technology for another popular Java technology for web application development: JavaServer Pages (JSP). Therefore, understanding the servlet technology and its architecture is important if you want to be a servlet developer. Even if you plan to develop your Java web application using JSP pages alone, understanding the servlet technology helps you build a more efficient and effective JSP application.
The aim of this chapter is to introduce the servlet technology and make you comfortable with it by presenting step-by-step instructions that enable you to build and run a servlet application.
In particular, this chapter discusses the following topics:
• The benefits of servlets
• Servlet application architecture
• How a servlet works
• How to write and run your first servlet application
Throughout this book, Tomcat 4.0 is used as both the servlet container and JSP container. In this chapter, you learn how to configure Tomcat quickly so that you can run your first servlet application.
The Benefits of Servlets
When it first emerged, this great thing we call the Internet consisted of only static contents written using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). At that time, anyone who could author HTML pages was considered an Internet expert.
This did not last long, however.
Soon dynamic web contents were made possible through the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) technology. CGI enables the web server to call an external program and pass HTTP request information to that external program to process the request. The response from the external program is then passed back to the web server, which forwards it to the client browser. CGI programs can be written in any language that can be called by the web server. Over the course of time, Perl became the most popular language to write CGI programs.
As the Internet became more and more popular, however, the number of users visiting a popular web site increased exponentially, and it became apparent that CGI had failed to deliver scalable Internet applications. The flaw in CGI is that each client request makes the web server spawn a new process of the requested CGI program. As we all know, process creation is an expensive operation that consumes a lot of CPU cycles and computer memory.
Gradually, new and better technologies will replace CGI as the main technology for web application development. The world has witnessed the following technologies trying to dominate web development:
• ColdFusion. Allaire's ColdFusion provides HTML-like custom tags that can be used to perform a number of operations, especially querying a database. This technology had its glamorous time in the history of the World Wide Web as the main technology for web application programming. Its glorious time has since gone with the invention of other technologies.
• Server-side JavaScript (SSJS). SSJS is an extension of the JavaScript language, the scripting language that still rules client-side web programming. SSJS can access Java classes deployed at the server side using the LiveWire technology from Netscape.
• PHP. PHP is an exciting open-source technology that has matured in recent years. The technology provides easy web application development with its session management and includes some built-in functionality, such as file upload. The number of programmers embracing PHP as their technology of choice has risen sharply in recent years.
• Servlet. The servlet technology was introduced by Sun Microsystems in 1996. This technology is the main focus of this book and will be explained in more detail in this and coming chapters.
• JavaServer Pages (JSP). JSP is an extension of the servlet technology. This, too, is the center of attention in this book.
• Active Server Pages (ASP). Microsoft's ASP employs scripting technologies that work in Windows platforms, even though there have been efforts to port this technology to other operating systems. Windows ASP works with the Internet Information Server web server. This technology will soon be replaced by Active Server Pages.NET.
• Active Server Pages.NET (ASP.NET). This technology is part of Microsoft's .NET initiative. Interestingly, the .NET Framework employs a runtime called the Common Language Runtime that is very similar to Java Virtual Machine and provides a vast class library available to all .NET languages and from ASP.NET pages. ASP.NET is an exciting technology. It introduced several new technologies including state management that does not depend on cookies or URL rewriting.
In the past, ASP and servlet/JSP have been the main technologies used in web application development. With the release of ASP.NET, it is not hard to predict that this technology will become the servlet/JSP's main competitor. ASP (and ASP.NET) and servlet/JSP each have their own fans, and it is not easy to predict which one will come out the winner. The most likely outcome is that neither will be an absolute winner that corners the market; instead the technologies will probably run head-to-head in the coming years.
Servlet (and JSP) offers the following benefits that are not necessarily available in other technologies:
• Performance. The performance of servlets is superior to CGI because there is no process creation for each client request. Instead, each request is handled by the servlet container process. After a servlet is finished processing a request, it stays resident in memory, waiting for another request.
• Portability. Similar to other Java technologies, servlet applications are portable. You can move them to other operating systems without serious hassles.
• Rapid development cycle. As a Java technology, servlets have access to the rich Java library, which helps speed up the development process.
• Robustness. Servlets are managed by the Java Virtual Machine. As such, you don't need to worry about memory leak or garbage collection, which helps you write robust applications.
• Widespread acceptance. Java is a widely accepted technology. This means that numerous vendors work on Java-based technologies. One of the advantages of this widespread acceptance is that you can easily find and purchase components that suit your needs, which saves precious development time.
Servlet Application Architecture
A servlet is a Java class that can be loaded dynamically into and run by a special web server. This servlet-aware web server is called a servlet container, which also was called a servlet engine in the early days of the servlet technology.
Servlets interact with clients via a request-response model based on HTTP. Because servlet technology works on top of HTTP, a servlet container must support HTTP as the protocol for client requests and server responses. However, a servlet container also can support similar protocols, such as HTTPS (HTTP over SSL) for secure transactions.

In a JSP application, the servlet container is replaced by a JSP container. Both the servlet container and the JSP container often are referred to as the web container or servlet/JSP container, especially if a web application consists of both servlets and JSP pages.
a servlet application also can include static content, such as HTML pages and image files. Allowing the servlet container to serve static content is not preferable because the content is faster if served by a more robust HTTP server, such as the Apache web server or Microsoft Internet Information Server. As such, it is common practice to put a web server at the front to handle all client requests..
A Java web application architecture employing a J2EE server is different from the diagrams in Figures 1.1 and 1.2.
How a Servlet Works
A servlet is loaded by the servlet container the first time the servlet is requested. The servlet then is forwarded the user request, processes it, and returns the response to the servlet container, which in turn sends the response back to the user. After that, the servlet stays in memory waiting for other requests—it will not be unloaded from the memory unless the servlet container sees a shortage of memory. Each time the servlet is requested, however, the servlet container compares the timestamp of the loaded servlet with the servlet class file. If the class file timestamp is more recent, the servlet is reloaded into memory. This way, you don't need to restart the servlet container every time you update your servlet.

The Tomcat Servlet Container
A number of servlet containers are available today. The most popular one—and the one recognized as the official servlet/JSP container—is Tomcat. Originally designed by Sun Microsystems, Tomcat source code was handed over to the Apache Software Foundation in October 1999. In this new home, Tomcat was included as part of the Jakarta Project, one of the projects of the Apache Software Foundation. Working through the Apache process, Apache, Sun, and other companies—with the help of volunteer programmers worldwide—turned Tomcat into a world-class servlet reference implementation. Two months after the handover, Tomcat version 3.0 was released. Tomcat went through several 3.x releases until version 3.3 was introduced.
The successor of version 3.3 is the current version, version 4.0. The 4.0 servlet container (Catalina) is based on a completely new architecture and has been developed from the ground up for flexibility and performance. Version 4.0 implements the Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 specifications, and it is this version you will be using in this book.
Another popular servlet container is JRun from Allaire Corporation. JRun is available in three editions: Developer, Professional, and Enterprise. The Developer edition is free but not licensed for deployment. The Professional and Enterprise editions grant you the license for deployment with a fee. You can download JRun from http://commerce.allaire.com/download.
Tomcat by itself is a web server. This means that you can use Tomcat to service HTTP requests for servlets, as well as static files (HTML, image files, and so on). In practice, however, since it is faster for non-servlet, non-JSP requests, Tomcat normally is used as a module with another more robust web server, such as Apache web server or Microsoft Internet Information Server. Only requests for servlets or JSP pages are passed to Tomcat.
To write a servlet, you need at least version 1.2 of the Java Development Kit. If you have not already downloaded one, you can download JDK 1.2 from http://java.sun.com/j2se. The reference implementation for both servlets and JSP are not included in J2SE, but they are included in Tomcat. Tomcat is written purely in Java.
Six Steps to Running Your First Servlet
After you have installed and configured Tomcat, you can put it into service. Basically, you need to follow six steps to go from writing your servlet to running it. These steps are summarized as follows:
1. Create a directory structure under Tomcat for your application.
2. Write the servlet source code. You need to import the javax.servlet package and the javax.servlet.http package in your source file.
3. Compile your source code.
4. Create a deployment descriptor.
5. Run Tomcat.
6. Call your servlet from a web browser.
The sections that follow walk you through each of these steps.
Step 1: Create a Directory Structure Under Tomcat
The directory where Tomcat is installed is often referred to as %CATALINA_HOME%. In previous versions of Tomcat, this directory was called %TOMCAT_HOME%.
When you install Tomcat, several subdirectories are automatically created under the Tomcat home directory (%CATALINA_HOME%). One of the subdirectories is webapps. The webapps directory is where you store your web applications. A web application is a collection of servlets and other content installed under a specific subset of the server's URL namespace. A separate directory is dedicated for each servlet application. Therefore, the first thing to do when you build a servlet application is create an application directory. To create a directory structure for an application called myApp, follow these steps:
1. Create a directory called myApp under the webapps directory. The directory name is important because this also appears in the URL to your servlet.
2. Create the and WEB-INF directories under myApp, and create a directory named classes under WEB-INF. The directory classes under WEB-INF is for your Java classes. If you have HTML files, put them directly under the myApp directory. You may also want to create a directory called images under myApp for all your image files.

Note that the examples, manager, ROOT, tomcat-doc, and webdav directories are for applications that are created automatically when you install Tomcat.
Step 2: Write the Servlet Source Code
In this step, you prepare your source code. You can write the source code yourself using your favorite text editor or copy it from the accompanying CD.
The source code for all examples in this book are also available on the book's web site. Check out www.newriders.com to download the files you need.
The code in Listing 1.1 shows a simple servlet called TestingServlet. The file is named TestingServlet.java. The servlet sends a few HTML tags and some text to the browser. For now, don't worry if you haven't got a clue about how it works.
Listing 1.1 TestingServlet.java

Now, save your TestingServlet.java file to the WEB-INF/classes directory under myApp. Placing your source code here will make it inaccessible from a web browser. Static files, such as HTML files and image files, should be placed directly under the myApp directory or a directory under it.
Placing your source code files outside the WEB-INF directory will make them viewable from a browser.
Step 3: Compile Your Source Code
For your servlet source code to compile, you need to include the path to the servlet.jar file in your CLASSPATH environment variable. The servlet.jar is located in the common\lib\ subdirectory under %CATALINA_HOME%.
For example, if you installed Tomcat under the C:\drive on Windows and you named the install directory tomcat, type the following command from the directory where TestingServlet.java resides.
javac classpath C:\tomcat\common\lib\servlet.jar TestingServlet.java
Alternatively, to save you typing the class path every time you compile your source code, you can add the complete path to the servlet.jar file to your CLASSPATH environment variable. Again, if you have installed Tomcat under C:\and named the install directory tomcat, you must add C:\tomcat\ common\lib\servlet.jar to the CLASSPATH environment variable. Afterward, you can compile your source by simply typing the following.
javac TestingServlet.java
If you are using Windows, remember that the new environment variable takes effect only for new console windows. In other words, after changing a new environment variable, open a new console window for typing in your command lines.
Step 4: Create the Deployment Descriptor
A deployment descriptor is an optional component in a servlet application. The descriptor takes the form of an XML document called web.xml and must be located in the WEB-INF directory of the servlet application. When present, the deployment descriptor contains configuration settings specific to that application.
To create the deployment descriptor, you now need to create a web.xml file and place it under the WEB-INF directory under myApp.
The web.xml for this example application must have the following content.

The web.xml file has one element—web-app. You should write all your servlets under . For each servlet, you have a element and you need the and elements. The is the name for your servlet, by which it is known Tomcat. The is the compiled file of your servlet without the .class extension.
Having more than one servlet in an application is very common. For every servlet, you need a element in the web.xml file. For example, the following shows you how web.xml looks if you add another servlet called Login:

Step 5: Run Tomcat
If Tomcat is not already running, you need to start it.
Step 6: Call Your Servlet from a Web Browser
Now, you can call your servlet from a web browser. By default, Tomcat runs on port 8080 in the myApp virtual directory under the servlet subdirectory. The servlet that you wrote in the preceding steps is named Testing. The URL for that servlet has the following format:
Any static file can be accessed using the following URL:
For example, a Logo.gif file under the myApp/images/ directory can be accessed using the following URL.
If you run the web browser from the same computer as Tomcat, you can replace the domain-name part with "localhost". In that case, the URL for your servlet is
In the deployment descriptor you wrote in Step 4, you actually mapped the servlet class file called TestingServlet with the name "Testing," so that your servlet can be called by specifying its class file (TestingServlet) or its name (Testing). Without a deployment descriptor, you must call the servlet by specifying its class name; that is, TestingServlet. This means that if you did not write a deployment descriptor in Step 4, you need to use the following URL to call your servlet:
Typing the URL in the Address or Location box of your web browser will give you the string "Welcome to the Servlet Testing Center,".

Congratulations. You have just written your first servlet.
If you don't want to type the port number each time, you can change the default port of Tomcat so that it runs on port 80, the default port for a web server. However, the rest of the book will use Tomcat's default port 8080.
You will find code for various servlets in this chapter and the next. To run each individual servlet, you need to repeat these six steps. To avoid repetition, I do not mention these steps for every servlet presented in this book. You don't need to worry about these steps if you are using a Java development tool, such as Borland's JBuilder or IBM's VisualAge, because those steps are taken care of by the RAD program.
This chapter has given you the big picture of how to build a servlet application. Specifically, you learned about the benefits of servlets, explored servlet application architecture, and discovered how a servlet works inside the servlet container. You also have been shown how to configure Tomcat and followed the six steps you need to build your own servlets. The next chapter digs deeper into the servlet technology by presenting the Java Servlet specification Application Programming Interface (API) version 2.3


Inside Servlets
• The javax.servlet Package
• A Servlet's Life Cycle
• Obtaining Configuration Information
• Preserving the ServletConfig
• The Servlet Context
• Sharing Information Among Servlets
• Requests and Responses
• The GenericServlet Wrapper Class
• Creating Thread-Safe Servlets
• Summary
Watching your servlet in action, as you did in Chapter 1, "The Servlet Technology," should bring you confidence. And, as some people say, having confidence is half the battle in learning anything. To be an expert, however, you need to understand the nuts and bolts of the Java Servlet specification Application Programming Interface (API). This book has been written using the latest release of the servlet specification API—version 2.3. Two packages are available for servlet programmers: javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http. The first one contains basic classes and interfaces that you can use to write servlets from the scratch. The second package, javax.servlet.http, offers more advanced classes and interfaces that extend classes and interfaces from the first package. It is much more convenient to program using the second package.
When you learn something, it is best to start with the basics and build a strong foundation. For example, understanding the javax.servlet.Servlet interface is very important because it encapsulates the life cycle methods of a servlet and it is the interface that all servlets must implement. You also need to know the servlet's context, which represents a servlet's environment, and the servlet's configuration. Because of the importance of these items, this chapter introduces you to members of the javax.servlet package. In this chapter, you also will see that oftentimes several ways exist to do the same thing.
After a few examples, I will introduce you to the GenericServlet class, a member of the javax.servlet package that acts as a wrapper for the javax.servlet.Servlet interface. Extending this class makes your code simpler because you need to provide implementations only for methods that you need to use.
To run each example in this chapter, you need to compile the source code and copy the resulting class file into the classes directory under the WEB-INF directory of your application. Refer to Chapter 1 if you have forgotten the six steps you need to run your servlet.
The rest of this chapter explains and uses the interfaces and classes of the javax.servlet package. The chapters that follow focus more on the second package.
The javax.servlet Package
The javax.servlet package contains seven interfaces, three classes, and two exceptions. Instead of using the conventional approach by explaining each interface and class in alphabetical order—thus making the book feel like a dictionary—I present the discussions based on functions and offer examples that demonstrate each function.
Nevertheless, mastering all the members of this package is important. To help you, a complete reference is given in Appendix B, "The javax.servlet Package Reference."
The seven interfaces are as follows:
• RequestDispatcher
• Servlet
• ServletConfig
• ServletContext
• ServletRequest
• ServletResponse
• SingleThreadModel
The three classes are as follows:
• GenericServlet
• ServletInputStream
• ServletOutputStream
And, finally, the exception classes are these:
• ServletException
• UnavailableException

A Servlet's Life Cycle
Let there be servlet. This interface in the javax.servlet package is the source of all activities in servlet programming. Servlet is the central abstraction of the Java servlet technology. Every servlet you write must implement this javax.servlet.Servlet interface, either directly or indirectly. The life cycle of a servlet is determined by three of its methods: init, service, and destroy.
The init( ) Method
The init method is called by the servlet container after the servlet class has been instantiated. The servlet container calls this method exactly once to indicate to the servlet that the servlet is being placed into service. The init method must complete successfully before the servlet can receive any requests.
You can override this method to write initialization code that needs to run only once, such as loading a database driver, initializing values, and so on. In other cases, you normally leave this method blank.
The signature of this method is as follows:
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
The init method is important also because the servlet container passes a ServletConfig object, which contains the configuration values stated in the web.xml file for this application. More on ServletConfig can be found later in this chapter, in the section,
This method also can throw a ServletException. The servlet container cannot place the servlet into service if the init method throws a ServletException or the method does not return within a time period defined by the web server.
ServletException is the most important exception in servlet programming. In fact, a lot of methods in the javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http packages can throw this exception when a problem exists in a servlet.
The service( ) Method
The service method is called by the servlet container after the servlet's init method to allow the servlet to respond to a request.
Servlets typically run inside multithreaded servlet containers that can handle multiple requests concurrently. Therefore, you must be aware to synchronize access to any shared resources, such as files, network connections, and the servlet's class and instance variables. For example, if you open a file and write to that file from a servlet, you need to remember that a different thread of the same servlet also can open the same file. See the section, "Creating Thread-Safe Servlets," for more on the topic of multithreading and synchronization.
This method has the following signature:
public void service(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, java.io.IOException
The servlet container passes a ServletRequest object and the ServletResponse object. The ServletRequest object contains the client's request and the ServletResponse contains the servlet's response. These two objects are important because they enable you to write custom code that determines how the servlet services the client request.
The service method throws a ServletException if an exception occurs that interferes with the servlet's normal operation. The service method also can throw a java.io.IOException if an input or output exception occurs during the execution of this method.
As the name implies, the service method exists so that you can write code that makes the servlet function the way it is supposed to.
The destroy( ) Method
The servlet container calls the destroy method before removing a servlet instance from service. This normally happens when the servlet container is shut down or the servlet container needs some free memory.
This method is called only after all threads within the servlet's service method have exited or after a timeout period has passed. After the servlet container calls this method, it will not call the service method again on this servlet.
The destroy method gives the servlet an opportunity to clean up any resources that are being held (for example, memory, file handles, and threads) and make sure that any persistent state is synchronized with the servlet's current state in memory.
The signature of this method is as follows:
public void destroy()
Demonstrating the Life Cycle of a Servlet
Listing 2.1 contains the code for a servlet named PrimitiveServlet, a very simple servlet that exists to demonstrate the life cycle of a servlet. The PrimitiveServlet class implements javax.servlet.Servlet (as all servlets must) and provides implementations for all the five methods of servlet. What it does is very simple. Each time any of the init, service, or destroy methods is called, the servlet writes the method's name to the console.
Listing 2.1 PrimitiveServlet.java

After you compile the source code into the myApp\WEB-INF\classes directory, add the servlet to the web.xml under the name Primitive, as shown in Listing 2.2.
Listing 2.2 The web.xml File for PrimitiveServlet

You should then be able to call this servlet from your browser by typing the following URL:
The first time the servlet is called, the console displays these two lines:
This tells you that the init method is called, followed by the service method. However, on subsequent requests, only the service method is called. The servlet adds the following line to the console:
This proves that the init method is called only once.
What are the getServletInfo and getServletConfig doing in Listing 2.1 ? Nothing. They can be useful, but in the PrimitiveServlet class, they are just there to meet the specification that a class must provide implementations for all methods in the interface it implements.
You can return any string in the getServletInfo method, such as your company name or the author name or other information deemed necessary. Other people might extend your servlet class and might want to know what useful information the designer of the servlet has provided.
The getServletConfig is more important. We will see how it can be of use next.
Obtaining Configuration Information
The servlet specification allows you to configure your application. You'll find more information on this topic in the discussion of the deployment descriptor in
"Application Deployment." In this chapter, I present an example that demonstrates how you can retrieve configuration information from the application web.xml file.
For each servlet registered in the web.xml file, you have the option of specifying a set of initial parameter name/value pairs that you can retrieve from inside the servlet. The following web.xml file contains a servlet called ConfigDemo whose class is named ConfigDemoServlet.class. The servlet has two initial parameter name/value pairs. The first parameter is named adminEmail and its value is admin@brainysoftware.com. The second parameter is named adminContactNumber and the value for this parameter is 04298371237.

Why would you want to use an initial parameter? For practicality. Hardcoding information in the servlet code means that you have to recompile the servlet if the information changes. A web.xml file is plain text. You can edit its content easily using a text editor.
The code that retrieves the initial parameter name and values is given in Listing 2.3.
To retrieve initial parameters, you need the ServletConfig object passed by the servlet container to the servlet. After you get the ServletConfig object, you then can use its getInitParameterNames and getInitParameter methods. The getInitParameterNames does not take an argument and returns an Enumeration containing all the parameter names in the ServletConfig object. The getInitParameter takes a String containing the parameter name and returns a String containing the value of the parameter.
Because the servlet container passes a ServletConfig object to the init method, it is easiest to write the code in the init method. The code in Listing 2.3 loops through the Enumeration object called parameters that is returned from the getInitParameterNames method. For each parameter, it outputs the parameter name and value. The parameter value is retrieved using the getInitParameter method.
Listing 2.3 Retrieving Initial Parameters

The output of the code in the console is as follows:
Parameter name : adminContactNumber
Parameter value : 04298371237
Parameter name : adminEmail
Parameter value : admin@brainysoftware.com
Preserving the ServletConfig
The code in Listing 2.3 shows how you can use the ServletConfig object in the init method. Sometimes, however, you may want more flexibility. For example, you may want to have access to the ServletConfig object from the service method, when you are servicing the user. In this case, you need to preserve the ServletConfig object to a class level variable. This task is not difficult. You need to create a ServletConfig object variable and set it to the ServletConfig object returned by the servlet container in the init method.
Listing 2.4 gives the code that preserves the ServletConfig object for later use. First, you need a variable for the ServletConfig object.
ServletConfig servletConfig;
Then, in the init method, you write the following code:
servletConfig = config;
Now the servletConfig variable references the ServletConfig object returned by the servlet container. The getServletConfig method is provided to do just that: return the ServletConfig object.
public ServletConfig getServletConfig() {
return servletConfig;
If you extend the ReserveConfigServlet class, you can still retrieve the ServlerConfig object by calling the getServletConfig method.
Listing 2.4 Preserving the ServletConfig Object

The Servlet Context
In servlet programming, the servlet context is the environment where the servlet runs. The servlet container creates a ServletContext object that you can use to access information about the servlet's environment.
A servlet also can bind an object attribute into the context by name. Any object bound into a context is available to any other servlet that is part of the same web application.
How do you obtain the ServletContext object? Indirectly, from the ServletConfig object passed by the servlet container to the servlet's init method. The ServletConfig interface has a method called getServletContext that returns the ServletContext object. You then can use the ServletContext interface's various methods to get the information you need. These methods include the following:
• getMajorVersion. This method returns an integer representing the major version for the servlet API that the servlet container supports. If the servlet container supports the servlet API version 2.3, this method will return 2.
• getMinorVersion. This method returns an integer representing the minor version of the servlet API that the servlet container supports. For the servlet API version 2.3, this method will return 3.
• getAttributeNames. This method returns an enumeration of strings representing the names of the attributes currently stored in the ServletContext.
• getAttribute. This method accepts a String containing the attribute name and returns the object bound to that name.
• setAttribute. This method stores an object in the ServletContext and binds the object to the given name. If the name already exists in the ServletContext, the old bound object will be replaced by the object passed to this method.
• removeAttribute. This method removes from the ServletContext the object bound to a name. The removeAttribute method accepts one argument: the name of the attribute to be removed.
The code in Listing 2.5 shows a servlet named ContextDemoServlet that retrieves some of the servlet context information, including attribute names and values, minor and major versions of the servlet container, and the server info.
Listing 2.5 Retrieving Servlet Context Information

The output of the code is as follows. This output may be different on your computer, depending on the version of Tomcat you are using, the operating system, and so on.
Attribute name : javax.servlet.context.tempdirAttribute value :
Attribute name : org.apache.catalina.resources
Attribute value : org.apache.naming.resources.ProxyDirContext@24e2e3
Attribute name : org.apache.catalina.WELCOME_FILES
Attribute value : [Ljava.lang.String;@2bb7e0
Attribute name : org.apache.catalina.jsp_classpath
Attribute value : C:\tomcat4\webapps\myApp\WEB-INF\classes;
. Major version : 2Minor version : 3
Server info : Apache Tomcat/4.0-b5
Sharing Information Among Servlets
For some applications, you want to make certain types of information available to all the servlets. You can share this information—such as a database connection string or a page count—among the servlets by using attributes in the ServletContext object.
The following example uses two servlets: AttributeSetterServlet and DisplayAttributesServlet. The AttributeSetterServlet servlet, shown in Listing 2.6, binds the name password to a String object containing the word "ding-dong". The servlet does this by first obtaining the ServletContext object from the ServletConfig object passed by the servlet container to the init method. Then the servlet uses the setAttribute method to bind "password" with "ding-dong".
Listing 2.6 The AttributeSetterServlet

The code in Listing 2.7 is the servlet that retrieves all attribute name/value pairs in the ServletContext object. The init method of this servlet preserves the ServletConfig object into servletConfig. The service method then uses the ServletConfig interface's getServletContext method to obtain the ServletContext object. After you get the ServletContext object, you can then use its getAttributeNames method to get an Enumeration of all attribute names and loop through it to obtain each attribute's value, which it outputs to the console along with the attribute name.
Listing 2.7 DisplayAttributesServlet

To see the servlets work, first you need to call the AttributeSetterServlet servlet to set the attribute "password". You then call the DisplayAttributesServlet to get an Enumeration of the names of all attributes and display the values.
The output is given here:
Attribute name : javax.servlet.context.tempdir
Attribute value : C:\123data\JavaProjects\JavaWebBook\work\localhost_8080
Attribute name : password
Attribute value : dingdong
Attribute name : sun.servlet.workdir
Attribute value : C:\123data\JavaProjects\JavaWebBook\work\localhost_8080
Requests and Responses
Requests and responses are what a web application is all about. In a servlet application, a user using a web browser sends a request to the servlet container, and the servlet container passes the request to the servlet.
In a servlet paradigm, the user request is represented by the ServletRequest object passed by the servlet container as the first argument to the service method. The service method's second argument is a ServletResponse object, which represents the response to the user.
The ServletRequest Interface
The ServletRequest interface defines an object used to encapsulate information about the user's request, including parameter name/value pairs, attributes, and an input stream.
The ServletRequest interface provides important methods that enable you to access information about the user. For example, the getParameterNames method returns an Enumeration containing the parameter names for the current request. To get the value of each parameter, the ServletRequest interface provides the getParameter method.
The getRemoteAddress and getRemoteHost methods are two methods that you can use to retrieve the user's computer identity. The first returns a string representing the IP address of the computer the client is using, and the second method returns a string representing the qualified host name of the computer.
The following example, shown in Listings 2.8 and 2.9, shows a ServletRequest object in action. The example consists of an HTML form in a file named index.html that you need to put in the application directory—that is, under myApp—and a servlet called RequestDemoServlet.
Listing 2.8 index.html

Listing 2.9 RequestDemoServlet

To run the example, first request the index.html file by using the following URL:
Figure 2.2 shows the index.html file in which "haywood" has been typed in as the value for author.
Figure 2.2. The index.html file.

When you submit the form, you should see the list of attribute names and values in your console.
The ServletResponse Interface
The ServletResponse interface represents the response to the user. The most important method of this interface is getWriter, from which you can obtain a java.io.PrintWriter object that you can use to write HTML tags and other text to the user.
The code in Listings 2.10 and 2.11 offer an HTML file named index2.html and a servlet whose service method is overridden with code that outputs some HTML tags to the user. This servlet modifies the example in Listings 2.8 and 2.9 that retrieves various information about the user. Instead of sending the information to the console, the service method sends it back to the user.
Note that the code in Listing 2.10 is similar to the code in Listing 2.8, except that in Listing 2.10 the value for the form's ACTION attribute is servlet/ResponseDemoServlet.
Listing 2.10 index2.html

Listing 2.11 The ResponseDemoServlet

To run the example, first request the index2.html file by using the following URL:
Figure 2.3 shows the index2.html file in which "haywood" has been typed in as the value for author.
Figure 2.3. The index2.html file.

When you submit the form, the ResponseDemoServlet is invoked and your browser should display an image similar to Figure 2.4.
Figure 2.4. Utilizing the ServletResponse object.

The GenericServlet Wrapper Class
Throughout this chapter, you have been creating servlet classes that implement the javax.servlet.Servlet interface. Everything works fine, but there are two annoying things that you've probably noticed:
1. You have to provide implementations for all five methods of the Servlet interface, even though most of the time you only need one. This makes your code look unnecessarily complicated.
2. The ServletConfig object is passed to the init method. You need to preserve this object to use it from other methods. This is not difficult, but it means extra work.
The javax.servlet package provides a wrapper class called GenericServlet that implements two important interfaces from the javax.servlet package: Servlet and ServletConfig, as well as the java.io.Serializable interface. The GenericServlet class provides implementations for all methods, most of which are blank. You can extend GenericServlet and override only methods that you need to use. Clearly, this looks like a better solution.
The code in Listing 2.12 is a servlet called SimpleServlet that extends GenericServlet. The code provides the implementation of the service method that sends some output to the browser. Because the service method is the only method you need, only this method needs to appear in the class. Compared to all servlet classes that implement the javax.servlet.Servlet interface directly, SimpleServlet looks much cleaner and clearer.
Listing 2.12 Extending GenericServlet

The output from the SimpleServlet servlet is shown in Figure 2.5.
Figure 2.5. Extending GenericServlet.

Creating Thread-Safe Servlets
A servlet container allows multiple requests for the same servlet by creating a different thread to service each request. In many cases, each thread deals with its own ServletRequest and ServletResponse objects that are isolated from other threads. Problems start to arise, however, when your servlet needs to access an external resource. To understand the problem introduced by multithreaded servlets, consider the following "playing dog" illustration.
Imagine a servlet accessing an external resource as a dog who enjoys moving tennis balls from one box to another. Each box can hold ten balls, no matter how the balls are arranged. The boxes and the balls are an external resource to the dog. To play, the dog needs two boxes and ten balls. Initially, those ten balls are placed in the first box. The dog moves all balls from the first box to the second, one ball at a time. The dog is smart enough to count to ten. Therefore, it knows when it's finished.
Now imagine a second thread of the same servlet as a second dog that plays the same game. Because there are only two boxes and ten balls for both dogs, the two dogs share the same "external resource." The game goes like this:
1. The first dog starts first (the servlet receives a call from a user).
2. After the first dog moves three balls, the second dog starts to play (the servlet is invoked by the second user). What will happen?
The two dogs sharing the same balls are illustrated in Figure 2.6.
Figure 2.6. Understanding multi-threaded code.

The first dog and the second dog will not find enough balls to finish the game, and both will be confused.
If somehow the second dog can be queued to wait to start until the first dog finishes, however, the two dogs are happy.
That's what happens when two threads of the same servlet need to access an external resource, such as opening a file and writing to it. Consider the following example, which reflects a real-world situation.
The code in Listing 2.13 presents a page counter servlet. What it does is simple. The servlet overrides the service method to do the following:
1. Open the counter.txt file using a BufferedReader, read the number into a counter, and close the file.
2. Increment the counter.
3. Write the counter back to the counter.txt file.
4. Display the counter in the web browser.
Imagine what happens if there are two users, Boni and Bulbul, who request the servlet. First Boni requests it, and then a couple of nanoseconds after Boni, Bulbul requests the same servlet. The scenario probably looks like this:
1. The service method executes Steps 1 and 2, and then gets distracted by the other request.
2. The method then does Step 1 from Bulbul before continuing to do Step 3 and 4 for Boni.
What happens next? Boni and Bulbul get the same number, which is not how it is supposed to be. The servlet has produced an incorrect result. As you can see in Listing 2.13, the servlet is an unsafe multithreaded servlet.
Listing 2.13 Unsafe Multi-Threaded Servlet

To solve the problem, remember the solution to the "playing dog" illustration: When the second dog waited until the first dog finished playing, both dogs could complete the game successfully.
This is exactly how you solve the problem in a servlet needing to service two users at the same time: by making the second user wait until the first servlet finishes serving the first user. This solution makes the servlet single-threaded.
This solution is very easy to do because of the marker SingleThreadedServlet interface. You don't need to change your code; you need only to implement the interface.
The code in Listing 2.14 is the modification of the code in Listing 2.13. Nothing changes, except that the SingleThreadedServlet class now implements SingleThreadModel, making it thread safe.
Listing 2.14 Safe Multi-Threaded Servlet

Now, if a user requests the service of the servlet while the servlet is servicing another user, the user who comes later will have to wait.
If you want to experience erroneous multi-threading yourself, the code in Listing 2.15 provides the SingleThreadedServlet with a delay of 6 seconds. Open two browsers and request the same servlet quickly. Notice that you get the same number for both browsers.
Listing 2.15 Demonstrating an Unsafe Multi-Threaded Servlet

What the code does is simple: It opens the counter.txt file, reads the value, increments the value, and writes the incremented value back to the file.
However, between the line of code that increments the value and the line of code that writes the incremented value back to the user, we inserted the following code:

Now you have time to request the same servlet from the second browser. The value shown in both browsers will be the same if the second request comes before the first thread of the servlet has the time to update the value in the counter.txt file.
An inexperienced programmer would wonder whether a good solution might be to make every servlet implement the SingleThreadModel interface. The answer is no. If a servlet never accesses an external resource, queuing the second request will create unnecessary delay to the subsequent user after the first. Also, if the external resource is accessed but there is no need to update its value, you don't need to implement the SingleThreadModel interface. For example, if the service method of a servlet needs only to read a static value from a file, you can let multiple threads of the servlet open and read the file at the same time.
This chapter introduced you to most of the interfaces and classes of the javax.servlet package, one of the two packages provided for servlet programming. This package contains basic classes and interfaces that are extended by members of the second package: javax.servlet.http. Understanding the basic classes and interfaces in javax.servlet is important, even though you use them less often than the javax.servlet.http package members in real-world applications. This chapter also showed you how to implement the SingleThreadModel interface to solve the problem multi-threaded servlets can have when accessing the same external resource.
The next chapter shows you how to write servlets that use the members of the second Servlet API package, javax.servlet.http.





Servlet itu berfungsi untuk memperluas fungsionalitas sebuah server (server web, server aplikasi, server HTTP). Servlet adalah program Java yang diintegrasikan di dalam Web-server untuk melakukan fungsi-fungsi server-side. Fungsi server-side ini dijalankan untuk menanggapi permintaan dari client (berupa web-browser).

Server yang dapat menjalankan servlet disebut servlet-container atau servlet-engine.

Servlet dapat menggantikan fungsi CGI, Servlet memiliki beberapa keunggulan dibanding dengan CGI, yaitu pemakaian memori lebih efisien, platform-independent dan protocol independent.

Untuk meminta layanan dari servlet dan memakai sembaranga bahasa pemrograman yang pentidng adalah server mengerti ”bahasa” dari permintaan (request) tersebut. Dengan demikian sebuah layanan servlet diminta dengan mengetikan URL di dalam web-browser atau bisa juga memakia sembarangan bahasa pemrograman. Layanan servelt dapat juga diminta dari dalam sebuah halaman HTML.


Servlet itu berfungsi untuk memperluas fungsionalitas sebuah server (server web, server aplikasi, server HTTP). Servlet adalah program Java yang diintegrasikan di dalam Web-server untuk melakukan fungsi-fungsi server-side. Fungsi server-side ini dijalankan untuk menanggapi permintaan dari client (berupa web-browser).

Server yang dapat menjalankan servlet disebut servlet-container atau servlet-engine.

Servlet dapat menggantikan fungsi CGI, Servlet memiliki beberapa keunggulan dibanding dengan CGI, yaitu pemakaian memori lebih efisien, platform-independent dan protocol independent.

Untuk meminta layanan dari servlet dan memakai sembaranga bahasa pemrograman yang pentidng adalah server mengerti ”bahasa” dari permintaan (request) tersebut. Dengan demikian sebuah layanan servlet diminta dengan mengetikan URL di dalam web-browser atau bisa juga memakia sembarangan bahasa pemrograman. Layanan servelt dapat juga diminta dari dalam sebuah halaman HTML.

Dalam Java Servlet API yang tersedia sekarang kita bisa memakai servlet generik, atau umumnya dalam praktik kita memakai serlet yang berkomunikasi memakai protokol HTTP (HttpServlet).
Setelah menerima permintaan, servlet akan mengolah permintaan tersebut pada server-side. Hasilnya (response) akan dikirim kepada client, yaitu content yang biasanya berupa halaman web (umumnya mengikuti format stander HTML, XHTML, atau XML), denngan demikian servlet mampu memperluas fungsi server yang outputnya statis menjadi server yang outputnya dapat berupa content dinamis.

Arti dari dinamis disni adalah bahwa permintaan yang berbeda dari client yang berbeda akah menghasilkan content yang berbeda pula. Jadi content akan dibuat on-the-fly (atau on_demand) berdasarkan permintaan dari client.

Jsp merupakan perluasan dari servlet dan memiliki beberapa keunggulan. Yang pertama adalah bahwa kode yang ditulis untuk jsp relatif lebih ringkas. Yang kedua proses deployment lebih mudah. Sebuah file JSP dapat diperlakukan sama seperti file HTML ketika dilakukan deployment. Tujuan dari JSP adalah untuk lebih menyederhanakan penulisan servlet. JSP sendiri pada akhirnya sebelum dijalankan oleh server, akan dikompilasi terlebih dahulu menjadi servlet, meskipun proses ini tidak akan terlihat oleh kita.

JSP dan Servlet dapat dipakai bersama-sama dalam sebuah aplikasi web.
Perbedaan utama antara JSP dan Servlet adalah : Untuk servlet, layaer aplikasi tidak sepenuhnya terpisah dari layer presentasi, diamana logika aplikasi atau logika bisnis berada didalam file program Java. Sedangkan persentasi diletakan dalam output berupa content yang dihasilkan juga oleh servlet.
Bahkan dalam perkembanganya sekarang JSP dapat saja tidak mengandung kode Java sama sekali. Beberapa logika pemrogramaqn Java dapat digantikan oleh tag-Library. Misalnya JSTL (JavaServer Pages Standard Tab Library) dapat mengenali beberapa logika pemrograman seperti loop dan kondisional.
Tag-library adalah sekumpulan tag yang dapat dikostumasi. Bandingkan dengan tag HTML yang kita kenal selam ini. Custom-tag memungkinkan kode JSP menjadi reusable-module (modul yang dapat dibuat satu kali dan dipakai lagi baik oleh file yang sama ataupun file yang lain). Misalnya, kita mengenal beberapa standar tag-library seperti JSTL (JavaServer Page Standard Tag Library), Struts, JSF(JavaServer Faces), Hibernate, serta tag-library untuk fungsi-fungsi khusus serpeti JNDI (Java Naming adn Directory Interface), ColdJava BarCharts, Orion EJB dan sebagainya.

Servlet Vs JSP
Servlet dan jsp akan menghilkan output (response) dinamis berupa halaman HTML, DHTML, XHTML atau XML.
JSp menggabungkan kode Java dan content (teks statik, kode HTML, DHTML, XHTML, XML, kode lainya seperti skrip dan tag) ini membuat conten tidak perlu seluruhnya dihasilkan oleh program Java. Misalanya kita dapat langsing memakia tag-tag HTML dalalam file JSP.
Sedangkan untuk servlet, seluruh content harus dihsilkan oleh program Java dalam servlet sihingga kita tidak bisa memakia tag-tag HTML secara langsung tanpa kode Java.

JSP akan dikompilasi menjadi servlet ketika dijalankan. Kode servlet yang dihasilkan dari JSP tidak terlihat oleh programer ketika dilakukan debugging. Ini bisa menyulitkan, terutama untuk mencari lokasi kesalahan ketika terjadi run-time error


Servlet dan JSP saat ini telah populer dan banyak dipakai untuk menghasilkan web page dinamis. Servlet dan JSP juga banyak dipakai sebagai pengganti CGI karena pemakaian memorinya yang lebih efisien.
Server yang dapat menjalakan servlet dan JSP mendukung teknologi JavaServer.
Beberapa server yagn mendukung server aplikasi dan JSP secara langsung, sedangkan sebagian server lainya menyediakan plug-in untuk mendukung servlet dan JSP. Misalnya

-->Apache jakarata Tomcat (http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/).
-->Apache HTTP Server (httpd.apache.org/). (Membuhkan Plug-in)
-->Sun Java System Application Server (http://www.sun.com/software/products/appsrvr
-->Sun Java System Web Server (http://sun.com/software/products

BEA Weblogic (http://.bea.com/procucts/weblogic/server/index.shtml)
Borland Application Server (http://www.borland.com/us/products/appserver/index.html)
Sybase EAServer (http:// www.sybase.com/products/developmentingegration/easerver).
Oracle Application Server (http://www.oracle.com/appserver/index.html)
Server Tomcet sendiri dapat diintegrasikan dengan server-server lain yang tdiak mendukung teknologi JavaServer secara langsung, seperti IIS dan Apache. Jika ini dilakukan maka server-server tersebut dapat menjalankan servlet dan JSP dimana proses menjalankna servlet/JSP dilakukan pada latar belakang oleh Tomcat.


Dalam pembuatan website berbasis Java yang menggunakan komponen web (JSP dan Servlet) penulis menggunakan sofware IDE NeatBeans sebagai web Editor. Software IDE NetBeans terbaru versi 5.5 dan 6.0, beserta paket-paket pendukungnya dapat didownload dari situs http://www.neatbeans.org /downloads.html.
1. NetBeans IDE 5.5
NetBeans IDE adalah IDE open source yang ditulis sepenuhnya dengan bahasa pemrograman Java menggunakan platform NetBeans. NetBeans IDE mendukung pengembangan semua tipe aplikasi Java (J2SE, web, EJB, dan aplikasi mobile). Fitur lainnya adalah sistem proyek berbasis Ant, kontrol versi, dan refactoring.
NetBeans mengacu pada dua hal, yakni platform untuk pengembangan aplikasi desktop java, dan sebuah Integrated Development Environment (IDE) yang dibangun menggunakan platform NetBeans.
Platform NetBeans memungkinkan aplikasi dibangun dari sekumpulan komponen perangkat lunak moduler yang disebut 'modul'. Sebuah modul adalah suatu arsip Java (Java archive) yang memuat kelas-kelas Java untuk berinetraksi dengan NetBeans Open API dan file manifestasi yang mengidentifikasinya sebagai modul. Aplikasi yang dibangun dengan modul-modul dapat dikembangkan dengan menambahkan modul-modul baru. Karena modul dapat dikembangkan secara independen, aplikasi berbasis platform NetBeans dapat dengan mudah dikembangkan oleh pihak ketiga secara mudah dan powerful.
Pengembangan NetBeans diawali dari Xelfi, sebuah proyek mahasiswa tahun 1997 di bawah bimbingan Fakultas Matematika dan Fisika Universitas Charles, Praha. Sebuah perusahaan kemudian dibentuk untuk proyek tersebut dan menghasilkan versi komersial NetBeans IDE hingga kemudian dibeli oleh Sun Microsystem pada tahun 1999. Sun kemudian menjadikan NetBeans open source pada bulan Juni tahun 2000. Sejak itu komunitas NetBeans terus berkembang.
Versi terbaru saat ini adalah NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 yang dirilis Mei 2007 mengembangkan fitur-fitur Java EE yang sudah ada (termasuk Java Persistence support, EJB-3 dan JAX-WS). Sementara paket tambahannya, NetBeans Enterprise Pack mendukung pengembangan aplikasi perusahaan Java EE 5, meliputi alat desain visual SOA, skema XML, web service dan pemodelan UML. NetBeans C/C++ Pack mendukung proyek C/C++.
o Lokalisasi
Sejak Januari 2007, paket bahasa Cina yang disederhanakan, Cina tradisional, Jerman, Jepang, Portugal (Brazil) dan Spanyol telah tersedia untuk NetBeans 5.5.1. Sementara itu, paket bahasa Albania, Azerbaijan, Ceska, Belanda, Yunani, Indonesia, Italia, dan Swedia sedang dalam proses pengerjaan.

o Catatan Mengenai lisensi.
NeatBeans TM adalah merek dagang dan hak atas kekayaan intelektualnya dimiliki oleh sun Microsystems, Inc. Begitu juga dengan Java TM dan lainya seperti : Sun, Sun Microsystems, logo Sun, Solaris, logo Java Coffe Cup, J2SEE, Java Se, JavaServer Pages (JSP), Servlet, JDBC, JSTL, Enterprise JavaBeans, Java Naming dan Directory interface, EJB, JNDI, Sun Java System Applicatio Server dan semua merek gagang seta logo yang didasarkan pada Java adalah merek dagang yang hak atas kekayan intelektualnya dimiliki oleh Sun Microsystems, Inc. Di Amerika Serikat dan negara-negara lainya.
Untuk Aphace, Tomcat, Apache Tomcat, Jakarta Project, Aphace Jakarta Project dan Jakarta Tomket memiliki lesensi Aphace License yang bersifat open-souce, serta memiliki copyright yang dipegang oleh Apache Software Foundation (ASF).
MySQL® adalah merek dagang terdaftar yang hak atas kekayaan intelektualnya dimiliki oleh MySQL AB di Swedia dan negara-negara lainya.

2. Pembuatan web applikasi dengan Neatbeans
Web dalam NeatBeans diperlakukan khusus. Kit dapat memakai wizard yang telah tersedia. Semua aplikasi Java dalam NetBeans selalu berada dalam kerangka sebuah proyek (project). Ketika membuat project kita dapat memilih proyek web untuk menyediakan kerangka aplikasi web.
Setelah menjalankan menu File || New Project maka kita dapat memilih Categories = ”Web” didalam wizard.

Langkah kedua dari wizard aplikasi web ini meminta kita untuk memasukan data yang berkaitan dengan identitas proyek serta data yang berkaitan dengan server dan versi J2EE.

Gambar 1.2 Wizard NetBeans untuk membuat proyek aplikasi web.step2
Setelah membuat proyek aplikasi web maka kita dapat menambahkan kedalam proyek file-file web-resource berupa obyek class Java (serperti servlet, JavaBean dan file Java lainya), file-file web-content (HTML, JSP, image dan sebagainya), library, dan file-file lainya.

Untuk menambahkan library, dapat melakukan klik kanan pada node Libraries dalam jendela Project dan kemudian menjalankan menu kontekstual Add Project, Add Library, atau Add JAR/Folder.

Untuk menambahkan file-file, klik kanan pada salah satu node yang ada di jendela Project dan kemundian menjalankan menu kontekstual New || File/Folder.

Gambar 1.3 Wizard NetBeans untuk menambahkan file-file ke dalam projek
Tabel beriku memberikan penjelasan singkta mengenai macam-macam tipe file dai kategori web. Masing-masing file memiliki templet tersendiri.
Tabel 1.1 Macam-macam tipe file dari kategori web

Tipe File Keterangan
JSP Untuk membuat file JSP dengan sintaks standar, dokument JSP (sintak XML), atau fragmen JSP (untuk referensi statik dari file lain)
Servlet Membuat class servlet yang diturunkan dari HttpServlet Wizard secara otomatis akan mendaftarkan servlet dalam file deployment-descriptor.
Web Apllication Listener
Tag File
Tag Handler
JSF Managed Bean
Struts Action
Struts ActionForm bean

JDK (Java Development Kit)
JDK adalah sebuah paket software development dari Sun Microsystems yang mengimplementasikan dasar-dasar penulisan, pengujian, dan debug aplikasi-aplikasi Java


Apache adalah web server yang bersifat open source, dan digunakan lebih dari 2/3 web server didunia.
Beberapa kelebihan Apache antara lain:
o Freeware (software gratis) .
o Mudah diinstall.
o Mudah mengkonfigurasinya.
o Cepat dan Tangguh dengan konfigurasi yang benar.
o Mampu beroperasi pada berbagai platform sistem operasi.
o Lebih aman karena memiliki level-level pengamanan
o Apache mempunyai komponen dasar terbanyak di antara webserver-webserver lain, yang berarti bahwa webserver Apache termasuk salah satu dari webserver yang terlengkap


MySQL adalah sebuah aplikasi Relational Database Managemen Server (RDBMS) yang sangat cepat dan kokoh. Istilah seperti tabel, baris, dan kolom tetap digunakan dalam MySQL. Pada MySQL sebuah database mengandung satu beberapa tabel, tabel terdiri dari sejumlah baris dan kolom. Dalam konteks bahasa SQL, pada umumnya informasi tersimpan dalam tabel-tabel yang secara logik merupakan struktur dua dimensi yang terdiri atas baris-baris data (row atau record) yang berada dalam satu atau lebih kolom. Baris pada tabel sering disebut sebagai instance dari data sedangkan kolom sering disebut sebagai attributes atau field. Dengan menggunakan MySQL server maka data dapat di akses oleh banyak pemakai secara bersamaan sekaligus dapat membatasi akses parapemakai berdasarkan previlage (hak akses) yang diberikan. MySQL menggunakan bahasa SQL (Struktur Query Languages) yaitu bahasa standard pemrograman database. MySQL di publikasikan sejak 1996. tetapi sebenarnya di kembangkan sejak 1979.
Keunggulan dari MySQL adalah :
o Bersifat opensource
o Sistem software-nya tidak memberatkan kerja dari server atau komputer, karena dapat di bekerjabackground

Basis Data (Database)

Basis kurang lebih dapat diartikan sebagai markas atau gudang, tempat bersarang / berkumpul. Sedangkan Data adalah representasi fakta dunia nyata yang mewakili suatu objek. (Fathansyah, 1999). Sedangkan definisi dari basis data tersebut adalah kumpulan data yang saling berhubungan yang disimpan secara bersama sedemikian rupa dan tanpa pengulangan (redudansi) yang tidak perlu untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan. (Fathansyah, 1999). Setiap basis data umumnya dibuat untuk mewakili sebuah semesta data yang spesifik.
Secara umum ada 3 jenis basis data yang palin dominan dalam pemrograman basis data, yaitu :
1. Basis data model hirarkis;
2. Basis data model Jaringan (nework);
3. Basis data model relasional;
Untuk basi data model hirarkis berfungsu untuk menyimpan data dalam bentuk pohon. Model ini sangat cocok dipakai untuk menyimpan jenis data tertentu yang memang berbentuk hirarkis seperti struktur organisasi perusahaan atau katalog. Namun,sebenarnya model hirarkis ini bersifat kaku sebab sehingga tidak cocok digunakan untuk menyimpan data yang memiliki struktur seperti pohon .

Basis data medel network menyimpan data dalam bentuk node-node yang dihubungakan satu sama lain (disimpan dalam bentuk graph). Model ini sifatnya memang fleksibel karena sangat generik. Pohon adalah salah satu jenis graph, tapi sebuah graph dapat berbentuk maam-macam. Kekurangan model ini adalah sulit untuk dipelajari. Untuk kedua model diatas masing-masing memiliki kekurangan, yang satu amat spesifik dan kaku sementara yang satunya lagi fleksibel tapi sulit untuk dimengerti. Dan untuk melengkapi kekurangan-kekurangan dari kedua model diatas maka Model relasional hadir sebagai jembaan / alternatif yang baik. Model ini sederhana namun tetap flesibel serta memiliki landasan matematika yang jelas.

Ringkasan Model Relasional
Basis data model relasional ”memecah” basis data menjadi banyak tabel dua dimensi. Setiap tabel selalu terdiri atas lajur mendatar yang disebut dengan baris data (row/record) dan lajur vertical yang disebut kolo (column/ field).

Semua data dalam model relasional disimpan dalam realsi (predikat atau pernyataan kebenaran).

Model Keterhubungan Entitas
Proses perancangan basis data yang baik dimulai dengan tahap pemodelan data. Model data dapat didefinisikan sebagai kumpulan perngakat konseptual untuk menggambarakan data, hugungan data, semantik data, dan batasan data. Dalam proses perancangan sebuah basis data ada beberapa cara untuk mempresentasikan model data yaitu :

1. Model Logika Data Berdasarkan Objek (Object-based Logical Models), model ini
terdir atas :
- Model Keterhubungan Entitas (Entity-Relationship Model).
- Model
2. Model Logika Data Berdasarkan Record, Model inti terdiri atas :
- Model Relasional (relational Model)
- Model Hirarkis (Hirarchical Model).
- Model Jaringan (Network Model).
Dalam tugas akhir insi saya penulis menggunakan perancangan bisis data model keterhubungan entitas. Pada model Keterhubungan-Entitas semua data dalam dunia nyata akan diterjemahkan dengan memanfatkan sejumlah perngkat konseptual menjadi sebuah diagram data yang dikenal dengan Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) Model keterhubungan-Entitas tersusun dari 3 elemen penyusun yaitu :
1. Himpunan Entitas (entity sets). Entitas adalah susuatu / objek dalam dunia nyata
yang berbeda dengan objek lainya.
2. Himpunan Relasi (relation sets). Relasi adalah hubungan keterkaitan antar
beberapa entitas. Relasi menunjukan adanya hubungan diatara sejumlah entitas yagn
berasal dari himpunan entitas yang berbeda.
3. Atribut. Atribut adalah sesuatu yang mendiskripsikan karakteristik dari suatu entitas. Pemilan atribut untuk setiap entitas merupakan hal yang penting dalam pembentukan medel data.
Kardinalitas Relasi (derajat relasi) menunjukan jumlah maksimum entitas yang dapt berelasi dengan entitas pada himpunan entitas yang lain. Kardinalits relasi yang dapat terjadi dari 2 buah himpunan entitas adalah :

1. Satu ke satu (One to One) : artinya setiap entitas pada himpunan entitas I berhubungan dengan

Operasi-operasi dasar yang dapat dilakukan berkenaan dengan basis data dapat meliputi :
Pembuatan basis data baru ( Create database )
Penghapusan basis data ( drop database )
Pembuatan file/tabel baru kesuatu basis data ( create table )
Penghapusan file/tabel dari suatu basis data ( drop table )
Penambahan/pengisian data baru ke sebuah file/ tabel di sebuah basis data (insert )
Pengambilan data dari sebuah file/tabel ( retrieve/search ).
Pengubahan data dari sebuah file/tabel (update)
Penghapusan data dari sebuah file/tabel (delete)
Operasi yang berkenaan dengan pembuatan objek (basis data dan tabel) merupakan operasi awal yang hanya dilakukan sekali dan berlaku seterusnya.Sedang operasi-operasi yang berkaitan dengan isi tabel (data) merupakan operasi rutin yang akan berlangsung berulang-ulang . Pemanfaatan basis data dilakukan untuk memenuhi sejumlah tujuan (objektif) antara lain :

Kecepatan dan kemudahan
Efisiensi Ruang Penyimpanan (space)
Keakuratan (Aaccuracy)
Ketersediaan ( Availability )
Kelengkapan (Completeness)
Keamanan (Security )
Kebersamaan Pemakai ( Saharability )

Database: Server, Driver dan koneksi

Dengan bahasa Java kita dapat mengakses dataases baik lokal ataupun remot, SQL maupun non-SQL.
Sebuah web yang memakasi database pada prinsipnya tidak berbeda dengan aplikasi Java yagn lain. Prinsip koneksi dan pemrogramanya sama. Perbedaanya hanay pada output, diamana data yang diambil dari database akan ditampilkan dalam halaman web.

Pada prinsipnya sembarang server database dapat iakses oleh program Java asalkan tersedia driver JDBC yang sesuai. Dalam NetBeans 5.5 dapat mengakses beberapa server database dari dalam IDE, diataranay adalah Pointbase, MySQL, dan Derby (dalam Java SE 6, Derby disebut Java DB), Untuk server database lainya, sepanjang drivernya tersedia, dapat juga diakses.
Dapat juga mengakses database dengan memakai JDBC-ODBC bridge. Misalnya, database Microsoft Access dan Foxpro dapat diakses dengan memakai driver ini.
JDBC & Driver JDBC

Java Database Connectivity ODBC yang dibuat oleh Sun Microsystems. Cara kerjanya mirip, hanya saja JDBC sepenuhny adibangun dengan Java API sehingga dapat dipakai cross-platform. Sedangakan ODBC dibangaujn melalui bahasa C sehingaga ia hanya dapat dijalankan pada platform-spesific. Seperti ODBC, JDBC didasarkan pada X/Open SQL Call Lever Interface (CLI).
Versi terakhir dari API JCBC yang dirilis oleh Sun Microsystems adalah versi 4.0. (Java SE 6 Mustang juga memakai JDBC 4.0 dalah distribusinya.)

Dengan JDBC API kita dapat mengakses databases dari vendor-vendor server database ternama seperti Oracle, Sybase, Informax, Interbase. Untuk itu kita memerlukan driver yang akan dipakai untuk mengakses database di server dari dalam program kita (client). Setiap server dari vendor berbeda memerlukan driver berbeda. Untuk beberapa vendor (yang bekerja sama dengan Sun) telah tersedia dirvernya dalam JDBC API dan dapat langsung dipakai. Jika Anda memiliki database-server dan belum memiliki driver JDBC, anda dapat mencarinya disuti http://java.sun.com/products/jdbc atau download dari situs vendor yang bersangkutan.

Untuk mengakses driver ODBC dari JDBC dapat dilakukan dengan memakai JDBC-ODBC bridge. Meskipun hla ini tidak ideal, kecuali jika kita terpaksa mengakses database tertentu seperti MS Access atau Foxpro, misalnay.

Dengan JDBC kita dapat mengirimkan perintah-perintah SQL ke RDBMS (Relational Database Management System). Hanya satu macam progaram yang perlu kita buat untuk mengakses bermacam-macam remote-database dari berabagai vendor (“write once and run anywhere”).

Class-class (serata inferface) JDBC API dapat diakses dari dalam package java.sql (core API) serta javax.sql (Standard Extention API).

Dalam tugas akhir ini saya akan menggunakan MySQL sebagai Server databasenya. Mysql merupakan RDBMs yang dapat di-download dan dipakai tanpa biaya lisensi. Dan dapat di-download dari situs http://www.mysql.com/product/mysql/

Driver / Connector Java-MySQL
Connector yang disebut MySQL Connector/j ini dipakai sebagai driver bagi koneksi program Java (melalui JDBC) ke MySQL. Untuk sistem MS Windows, connector ini berada dalam bentuk file Zip. File Zip berisikan source serta binary dalam bentuk JAR. File JAR yang iperlukan u tuk akses server MySQL dari program Jva umumnya memiliki nama berbentuk : “mysql-connector-java-X.Y.Z-bin.jar” di mana X.Y.Z merupakan versi dari connector.

Langkah-langkah untuk menginstalnya :
1. File Zip mysql-connector-java-3.1.6.zip.jar
2. Buka dan ekstrak file-filenya kedlam direktori tertentu dalam hardisksnya. Misal
C:\my document\mysql-connentor-java.3.1.6
3. copy file mysql-connector-java-3.1.6.bin.jar ke dalam folder JDK C:\ Java\Jdk1.6

Registrasi Driver
Dalam IDE NetBeans, jika driver MySQL belum didaftarkan, lakukan langkah berikut ini :
1. Dalam jendela Runtime, lakukan klik kanan diatas node Drivers dan kemudian
jalankan menu kontekstual Add Driver sehingga dialog Add JDBC Driver terbuka.

2. Klik tombol add dan tentukan lokasi dari file connenctor (JAR).

3. Klik tombol find dan kemundian pilih nama Driver Class = org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver
atau com.mysql.jdbc.Driver. Isi name dan tekan OK

Didalam node Drivers pada jendela Runtime seharusnya akan ditambahkan node baru berupa dirver mysql tersebut





Download Katalog

Download Katalog